We were honored to have a delegation from the Japanese government (that came all the way from Japan!) tour the Green Idea House. As a result of the tsunami and nuclear reactor incident in Fukashima, the Japanese want all their buildings to work like the Green Idea House, making more renewable energy than they use and prepared for potential disasters.

Our excellent translator, Naoko Shirase, explains how we make money from selling energy back to the grid.
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I am one of the delegation from Japan.
Thank you to visit.
This is a great green house.
I expect further spread.
It was a pleasure having you visit and please let us know what you do with the information you gathered!
Without incurring the cost, it is helpful to for ideas to achieve a ZEH.
However, dehumidification and cooling will also be a big factor in Japan.
As it is, applying the technology of you is difficult in Japan.
Thanks for your note. You are correct, you will need to build for your climate zone and humidity level. Even so, many of the concepts from the Green Idea House should apply to passively heat and cool the building and reduce the energy load. You may, however, need to install a heat pump split system that is so common in Asia. Even still, applying the principles of the GIH means the base load is much lower.
Hope that helps!